Introduction to Unity Editor interface

Introduction to Unity Editor interface

Alright, let me quit yapping about my story for a while and let me dive into something technical.

Unity2D Interface:

If you’re interested in using Unity for game development, it’s essential to be familiar with its interface. In this blog, I’ll give an overview of the Unity editor’s interface instead of diving deep into it. For more detailed information, you can check out Unity’s documentation. I’ve specifically titled this as "Unity2D Interface" because the only major difference is that the Scene View will be in 2D rather than 3D. So, what exactly is the Scene View? Let me explain.

Scene View:

The image above shows the Scene View. Think of it as a filmmaking set, but instead of making films, we create games. The Scene View provides raw information about the assets (things) used to build your game. Here, you have full control over these assets. For example, you can move a character to any position in the game space. Now, let’s move on to the Game View.

Game View:

The Game View window gives you a preview of your game in its current state. It allows you to see how your game will look at different screen resolutions. To learn more about it, you can check out Unity’s documentation on the Game View.


The Hierarchy is one of the most important components in the Unity editor. It holds everything that exists in your game. The Hierarchy allows you to create or access all the GameObjects (objects in your game). For example, you can create a GameObject directly in the Hierarchy, such as a player or an enemy.

Project Window:

The Project Window contains all the files used in your Unity project. For example, it includes information about animations, sprites, scripts, and other assets you’re using to develop your game.

Console Window:

The Console Window is where you can print messages for debugging or reference purposes using scripts. It also displays errors and warnings related to both your scripts and the Unity editor itself. It’s an essential tool for troubleshooting and ensuring your game runs smoothly.

Inspector Window:

The Inspector Window holds all the properties of a GameObject. In simple terms, it’s like a doctor who not only checks and shows every detail about a patient (the GameObject) but also makes adjustments to improve their condition. For instance, through the Inspector, you can tweak the gravity settings for your main character or adjust the size of an object. It’s a critical tool for customizing and fine-tuning your game’s behavior.


These are some of the most important components of the Unity editor. There’s much more to explore, especially if you start working with 3D projects. Since I’ve mostly worked with Unity2D, I haven’t explored all the features yet. You can find more detailed information in the Unity Manual, though the explanations there might feel a bit complex for beginners. If you’d like me to explain any specific component in the Unity editor, feel free to ask in the comments—I’ll do my best to break it down as simply as possible.

Stay strong, stay motivated, and stay tuned for more stories and knowledge, Devs! :).